Elzbieta Cios' Lamella: A Revolution in Textile Design

Exploring the Intersection of Art, Technology, and Sustainable Design

Elzbieta Cios' Lamella, a unique multilayered textile, is a testament to the power of innovative design. This award-winning creation, part of the Exploration of Fashion collection, showcases a blend of art, technology, and sustainability, offering a fresh perspective on textile design.

Elzbieta Cios' inspiration for Lamella stemmed from the desire to infuse new technologies and functionalities into traditional textiles. The multilayered collage, inspired by organic patterns and textures, is a visual representation of waste problems in our environment. Enclosed under biodegradable laminate, the structure is a reminder of the importance of sustainable design.

Lamella's uniqueness lies in its composition and process. Handmade with various textures and colors, it forms a fashion collection with accessories. The textile incorporates biodegradable laminate, recycled mesh, and antibacterial canvas, creating a durable structure that is environmentally friendly. This innovative combination of materials is a part of Cios' larger project, Exploration of Fashion.

The creation of Lamella involved heat techniques of layering, handmade pattern composition, and unique techniques. The result is a collection of multilayered handmade unique textiles with various patterns, textures, and colors, weighing between 160g to 350g. This textile is not only dedicated to the fashion sector but also finds application in interior design fields and beyond.

The project, which started in March 2018 and concluded in November 2018, was a research publication for the education sector. Cios' research focused on finding a balance between art and design, exploring new areas of fashion. The unconventional material combination opened up possibilities for surprising patterns and colorful compositions, presenting a vision of products based on technological experiments and sustainable design.

Despite challenges in studying material combinations and sewing clothes and accessories designs, Cios successfully created a unique textile and incorporated it into a fashion collection. Lamella is a testament to Cios' commitment to ecological ideas, resulting in experimental fashion designs and accessories that are both high quality and environmentally friendly.

Elzbieta Cios' Lamella was awarded Silver in the A' Textile, Fabric, Textures, Patterns, and Cloth Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award is a testament to the design's creativity, professional excellence, and innovation. Lamella stands as a remarkable example of the potential of sustainable design, offering a vision of the future of textiles.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Elzbieta Cios
Image Credits: Design and cocept: Elzbieta Cios Photographer: Wojciech Wojcik Model: Marta Grabowska Make up: Justyna Lipa
Project Team Members: Elzbieta Cios
Project Name: Lamella
Project Client: Elzbieta Cios

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